Tuesday, November 7, 2017


(tw for self harm/abuse, the past month has been really rough hence all the trauma and mental illness poetry, I'll move on eventually)

undoing last night’s 3 am relapse

put the two year ring on and keep it there
hold your hips like you love them
suck the blood back into the disappearing cracks
let the elevator take you down
like the sea if the sea
could not drown you

put it down
don’t pick it up
hold your gauzy whispers
what did I do what the fuck did I do
cry at two years of unbleeding


dissipating like a flock of crows

please cry
drown the red in saltwater

text your friends
don’t keep going because
you never started
and this was never home
and you were never hurt so bad
you had to tear all of it apart


how do I live in this same body
with this same ghost
tiptoeing through me
screaming the unundoable


so let me tell you of the room,
the mattress in the corner,
the white walls

let me tell you of the men,
their beards and million fingers,
each of which loved me
or what they could take

tell you of the tripod,
standing like a cellphone tower,
telling no one

of the clothes,
his undershirt,
my red leotard,
the one with the strips
of rainbow gauze,
the bright morgue

the ceiling,
how I fell

up into it

1 comment:

  1. I'm into these-- i love how the leotard arrives and is so mundane and grounding when it feels like the rest of it is in this v elevated, metaphysical space
